A constant growth in participation and financing . “ Salude & Trigu ”, the project of the Northern Sardinia Chamber of Commerce , has doubled the Municipalities involved in the space of four years , which are 61, two thirds of the territory. The number of events even quadrupled : 71, distributed from March to December.

A success due both to the quality and intuition of the Chamber's idea of organizing demonstrations and events under a single programme, creating a real network, and to the financing, which rose from 301 thousand euros in 2021 to 600 thousand euros in the current year, and to the provision of a further 240 thousand euros spent on national and international marketing.

Among the applications admitted out of 128 requests, the largest portion concerns music, literature, visual and figurative arts events (33), followed by folklore and traditional rites (18), typical local productions (14) and other relevant events (6).

“Salude & Trigu” was invited to the Naples Tourism Exchange to talk about the project and the quality of tourism promotion.

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