About 50 kilometers from Cagliari, in the heart of Trexenta, there is the charming village of Suelli. The country will be the sixth of the nine events of the Saboris Antigus stages,   Sunday 3 December. Always a treasure chest of traditions linked to faith and religiosity, to popular rites, to the peasant culture of the past and to the cultivation of wheat, to the most ancient history with archeology and the most recent one, Suelli will reveal its secrets to visitors on the occasion of the event of taste and translations, in its tenth edition   and led for the second year by the Chamber of Commerce of Cagliari and Oristano.

The program of the day includes the consolidated formula of workshops for adults and children, tastings of typical dishes, ancient local recipes and the secrets behind their preparation, a walk through the streets of the historic center to discover the houses, portals, of the churches, the Path of San Giorgio Bishop of Suelli, and the entire archaeological part including visits to the majestic Nuraghe Piscu.

The village was a bishopric and a place of devotion and faith. The Sanctuary of San Giorgio Vescovo is a building   dating back to between the 11th and 12th centuries, it is located next to the church of San Pietro Apostolo, the town's ancient cathedral. You immediately notice the contrast between the simplicity of the facade and the richness of the sacred furnishings inside: here, in fact, the polychrome wooden altar and a precious 17th century retable are kept, in which episodes from the life of the saint are depicted. During the restoration of the sanctuary, bone fragments preserved inside an urn were found: the relics of the bishop.

Suelli also has around 15 nuraghi in its territory, its archaeological treasure, among which the Piscu nuraghe stands out for its beauty and grandeur, a masterpiece of nuragic architecture which has recently been the subject of new excavations.

Saboris Antigus   will also give visitors the ancient flavors of this land, through tastings and the direct sale of zero-mile products. In Suelli you will find “Pani cun gerda”, which is part of the list of PAT, the Traditional Agri-Food Products of the Sardinia region. In its dough there are pieces of pork fat that melt with the heat of the oven during cooking. Stewed lamb's feet and myrtle cockerel are other traditional local recipes.

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