The objective is to reclaim the Roma camp on state road 387 as soon as possible. The mayors of Selargius Gigi Concu and Settimo San Pietro Gigi Puddu reiterated this to the prefect of Cagliari after yet another fire which caused serious inconvenience a few weeks ago in the territory. The ASL, Arpas and the police also participated in the meeting with the prefect. The two mayors reiterated the need to intervene in a site that is now seriously compromised from an environmental point of view .

There is one million euros available , but in order to carry out the reclamation it is necessary to transfer the residents (about a hundred pensioners with over thirty minors) who have been living in the camp on the state road for many years, on the border with Settimo, but in the territory of Selargius. A second meeting is scheduled in two weeks. With the hope that a solution can be found.

«This – reiterated the mayor of Selargius Concu – is a problem that cannot be solved by a municipality . This is a situation of great importance, especially socially, which must be addressed by the Region and the State. The situation is dramatic and full of risks."

Settimo is also concerned. «Fires – says Puddu – are frequent, the health situation is what it is: our objective is to use the neighboring land for agriculture. Certainly in this situation and with these especially social problems, everything becomes difficult." This was also discussed in the last meeting of the Settimo San Pietro municipal council with interventions by the councilor Davide Piga who had presented a question on the matter a year ago), the mayor Puddu and the environmental councilor Antonio Concu who had spoken especially a major social problem.

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