Almost identical statements, "photocopy" reports of two prosecution texts: the circumstance was reported today by the defense lawyer in the trial, held in Tempio, against the former Cagliari footballer, Daniele Ragatzu, accused of mistreatment of his partner .

Lawyer Filippo Pirisi indicated to judge Federica Di Stefano two reports of statements made by people who confirm the charges against the player and which appear almost identical, in the sentences used and also in some expressions at the head of the sentences. The people who signed the minutes were heard several days apart from each other. Pirisi has always supported the theory of pre-packaged accusations.

The judge deemed the lawyer's arguments well founded and ordered an in-depth investigation of the circumstance which appears anomalous. It was also ordered that some witnesses be heard again in the next hearings, in particular the father of the alleged victim, who had already retracted the accusations against Ragatzu in court.

Today a witness from the prosecutor appeared who confirmed that he had learned from the victim of the alleged serious mistreatment reported to Ragatzu. The footballer's ex is a civil party in the trial and is assisted by criminal lawyer Cristina Cherchi.

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