In the past summer, those who bathed in the Sardinian sea found the water almost as warm as in the Caribbean: certainly pleasant for those who immerse themselves in the sea, but a bad sign for the climate. The increase in heat causes damage, puts the environment at risk, generates drought and increasingly violent weather phenomena while the sea "eats" the beaches. What is the state of health of our sea and how can we protect ourselves from climatic disasters? We asked Alessio Satta , president of Medsea , the Foundation that deals with the protection and sustainable management of marine and coastal resources in the Mediterranean with a series of concrete initiatives in Sardinia.

Last summer the thermometer showed red, what happened in our sea?

«Let's say right away that there were peaks of 30 degrees in the Sardinian sea and we even measured 24 at a depth of twenty meters. We have to talk about marine heat waves, a phenomenon linked to climate change. The sea warms up because the air temperature rises».

And the heat buildup causes damage. What are the main ones?

“There are two kinds of problems. The first is related to marine life. Think of the impact on all aquaculture activities in the Gulf of Oristano and Olbia. All the managers of the mussel farms were afraid for their farms».

That is, mussel farming was in danger due to the heat?

«If you pass me the term, in simple terms, there was the risk that these farms would 'fry' and in that case there would have been damages for several million euros. Fortunately, it only happened partially and it wasn't a catastrophe."

We hope that the phenomenon will not occur again next summer.

«I would like to be optimistic but it is unlikely that the temperature will tend to drop».

You mentioned a second problem, what is it?

«The alien species arrived from the Red Sea and find here the tropical conditions for reproduction; they arrive via fishing boats or cargo boats. Now, there's a case plaguing the coast of Lebanon: the dreaded lionfish. It is not present here but, if we consider that the Mediterranean is a closed sea, it could arrive».

Why are water bombs more and more frequent?

«With the high temperature, the energy remains stored in the sea and in the collision with the first masses of cold air from Northern Europe, extreme phenomena arise».

More and more often we find that the sea eats the earth. How to protect our beaches?

«The most effective solution is the one that the United Nations defines as founded on nature. Dune systems and Posidonia meadows are the main allies to defend us».

A protection that you are implementing in Sardinia?

«Yes, we are operating in the gulf of Oristano, in the Marceddì pond, and in Villasimius where we recover the degrading posidonia. It is important because Posidonia is a lung with the ability to store CO2 and create a barrier against storm surges. The keywords are space and nature; the wetlands have an important weight».

Does Cagliari have an advantage with the ponds of Molentargius and Santa Gilla and with the salt pan system?

"Of course, but it's a matter of using them better, making sure that there are a series of drainage channels that allow the excess water to be discharged into these areas".

What to do in the city against the tropical heat?

«The reduction of the waterproof surface, I'm talking about concrete and asphalt, improves the drainage capacity but the priority remains that of the trees. What are we waiting for to implement a reforestation plan for the city? Did you know that in Cagliari, passing from tree-lined areas, such as viale Trieste and viale Merello, to other less green districts, there is a difference in temperature of one or two degrees less?».

Let's come to the question of plastic: where does it come from in our sea?

«We were pleased to note that the main river, the Tirso, does not discharge large quantities of plastic unlike what happens in Rome with the Tiber. Here, the plastic arrives on the north-western coasts of the island from the Gulf of Lion, then from France and the Balearic Islands, and in the south of the island from North Africa».

You took part in the UN climate conference in Egypt. Can the environmental agenda not be separated from the social one?

«Western countries have taken note that it is we who produce the environmental damage which always affects developing countries. Now the aim is to create a Fund with several billion euros to give support to the damaged countries. Unfortunately, however, there has been no progress on the abandonment of polluting sources".

Alfredo Franchini

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