"Sadness is added to sadness": is the comment of the lawyer Jacopo Merlini, civil party lawyer of Fabio Piu , the Sassarese stabbed by the trapper Elia Di Genova (according to the Tempio Prosecutor's Office).

Merlini acquired some posts that appeared on a profile of the trapper after a ten-year prison sentence. The posts attributed to the Roman singer mock the victim , who entered the courtroom in a wheelchair.

Un altro post attribuito a Elia Di Genova
Un altro post attribuito a Elia Di Genova
Un altro post attribuito a Elia Di Genova

The Piu family has already appointed the lawyer Merlini for all actions to protect the victim. According to rumors, magistrates of the Tribunal and of the Procura di Tempio have already acquired at least three posts .

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