There are 16 Sardinian administrations competing this year for the "Small friendly municipality" award , a project created by Codacons in collaboration with Coldiretti with the aim of enhancing small Italian municipalities, raising awareness of local excellence and encouraging tourism.

The initiative, now in its fourth edition, rewards Italian excellence in the agri-food, craftsmanship, social innovation and culture, art and history categories . And in addition to the traditional categories, some special prizes are also planned: "Small friendly airport", dedicated to the redevelopment of small airport centres; "Air, water, earth", on the naturalistic beauty of the territory; "Municipalities against high energy prices", dedicated to the Municipalities that have distinguished themselves for their policies to combat high bills through the establishment of energy communities or other instruments; "Municipalities for disability", dedicated to the Municipalities that have characterized themselves by particularly effective inclusion policies; for beekeeping", award to the Municipalities that have implemented initiatives to enhance and protect beekeeping.

In Sardinia there are 16 municipalities competing for the prize in the various categories: Ballao, Busachi, Galtellì, Isili, Mandas, Orani, Osilo, Palau, Ploaghe, Senorbì, Seui, Trinità D'Agultu and Vignola, Villanovafranca, Zeddiani, Sedilo and Tinnura .

Citizens can vote for their favorite municipality no later than June 15th, according to one of the methods indicated on the relevant web page .

The municipalities participating in the competition can count on an entirely dedicated website and an interactive map of the municipal entities competing , with the events and excellences of the various selected categories.

The awards ceremony is scheduled for July 10th at Palazzo Rospigliosi in Rome.


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