The small church of San Pietro in Ponte a Quartu has been declared an asset of cultural, historical and artistic interest by the commission for the Cultural Heritage of Sardinia.

The process for the restoration and enhancement of the site now begins.

The Municipality had been waiting for this recognition for some time, to provide the necessary guarantees for obtaining a portion of the funds necessary for the conservative restoration of the religious monument, dating back to 1200.

For this reason, in the Council meeting of 23 May it approved the technical-economic and executive feasibility project of the work, which involves the restoration of the roof, through the replacement of the beams and the tiles above, as well as the structural strengthening of the entire building, safeguarding the original materials.

«One of the most important city monuments will be recognized within the national protection program of artistic and cultural heritage and will thus be able to access dedicated ministerial funds in accordance with the regulations - explains the councilor for Public Works Antonio Conti - The next step will be the small church of Sant'Efisio martyr, overlooking the square of the same name, which will also be further enhanced".

The Church of San Pietro di Ponte is now incorporated within the city cemetery area, built between 1872 and 1877.

Previously it was included in the ancient rural complex of Quarto Suso, where there also stood a Roman bridge which has now disappeared, from which the church takes its name. The current building dates back to the end of the 13th century (around 1280), but probably replaces a previous church dedicated to San Pietro di Ponte which was in fact already attested in a document dated 1 April 1119.

In this document the church is among those that the archbishopric of Cagliari donated to Berengario, Victorine abbot of the Church of San Saturno in Cagliari.


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