Over 1,300 running for eight permanent contracts in the Municipality. An avalanche of curricula arrived at the Town Hall by 20 March, with the first selections scheduled for April, and the signing of contracts - unforeseen permitting - in June. "A small breath of fresh air that will allow us to fill at least the places emptied with retirement," comments Mayor Graziano Milia.

The number of applications that arrived in the building in via Porcu confirms the hunger for work that is experienced almost everywhere. Most are running for the three posts of accounting administrative instructor, 727 curriculum, 345 aspiring administrative managing instructors, 120 for technical instructor, 103 with the ambition to fill the role of managing technical instructor, 31 geologists who compete for an available seat in the Municipality. In the coming days, the dates and methods for the pre-selections will be defined, in fact the written test which will allow for a skimming before the orals.

Eight new employees, and rankings to draw from for future hires. While the problem of the flight of employees to the Region remains. "Attracted by different contractual conditions," says the mayor. «Several times in Sardinia we have denounced the fact that the Region instead of transferring resources and personnel to local authorities actually takes them away from them. The consequence is that many employees are sent to the Region rather than staying in their own Municipalities, where professionalism and a number of employees are needed that allows them to carry on their daily work. We, for example, have technicians, engineers and administrators who are in fact responsible for several contracts at the same time, a very heavy burden of work which also puts a strain on the attention of the officials themselves. We need», concludes Milia, «a change of mentality and institutional culture in the Region, and consequently the theme of the single contract of the local government sector in Sardinia is being proposed again. Theme that will have to be at the center of the discussion that will accompany the renewal of the Regional Council next year ".

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