Six hundred experts from 54 countries will participate from 9 to 14 October at the Forte Village in Santa Margherita di Pula in the 19th edition of Sardinia 2023 - International Symposium on Waste Management and Sustainable Landfill .

This is an event of excellence and international relevance, the most important in the world on the topic , organized by the International Waste Working Group (IWWG) with the patronage of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and the Sardinia Region.

Among the five presidents there is an Italian one, Raffaello Cossu from Sassari , professor emeritus of environmental engineering at the University of Sassari. The Symposium, he explained today in the press conference presenting the event in which Solinas also participated, will also delve into all the most innovative aspects in the waste management cycle: from artificial intelligence to solve practical problems to new ideas to broaden the range of recoverable materials. With particular attention to connecting those who make everyday products with "recyclers" to study the best way to recover waste.

«In Sardinia – Cossu explained on the sidelines of the presentation – we have an advanced system, in this respect we are in the North compared to the other Southern Regions. We are in the first place for the quantity of material that arrives from separate collections. Not a kilo of urban waste comes out of the island that goes outside, Sardinia has never been the dustbin of others , in the sense that it has accepted emergency waste from other regions, but it has made itself pay for it and treated it."

And again: «Sardinia covers enough of the recovery chains, it has thermal plants that have never had conflict problems with the population, because they are located in industrial sites with the necessary environmental safeguards. We have state-of-the-art landfills, with leachate treatment and without any pollution problems. We have never had an emergency waste crisis ."


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