The XVIII Report on poverty and social exclusion in Sardinia 2023 and the VII Annual Report of the Regional Caritas Delegation 2023 were presented this morning in the conference room of L'Unione Sarda in Cagliari, in view of the VII World Day of the Poor announced by Pope Francis.

The meeting was an opportunity to expose the projects and experiences carried out by the regional Caritas Delegation, with the problems of poverty and needs identified in the area in 2022/23.

In this year's report there is space for an in-depth analysis of the theme of "poor work" in Sardinia.

«The great work of data collection and analysis by Caritas Sardinia - underlines the regional Caritas delegate Don Marco Statzu - returns a complex picture of problems that deserve special attention from the Christian community and from administrators and politicians: if it is true that the first and most substantial aid remains that of food and basic necessities, the diocesan Caritas works for a global improvement of the human and cultural conditions of the people who turn to us, aiming to bring people out of degradation and from the lack of autonomy. The poor are not numbers, but faces and relationships, and yet statistics are necessary so that we realize how much we do and how much further we still have to go so that the right to a dignified life is respected in our Sardinia too."

Speakers included Monsignor Giuseppe Baturi, archbishop of the diocese of Cagliari and general secretary of the CEI; Raffaele Callia, head of the studies and research service of the regional Caritas; Maria Chiara Cugusi, contact person for the regional Caritas Communication Service.

Coordination by Don Marco Statzu.



The words of Raffaele Callia (video Francesca Melis):

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