«Without the resources of the Region, the project to enhance the site of via Ponte Romano cannot be remodelled, so regarding the timing we can say that it will be difficult for that road to be reopened, with one-way traffic, by the summer ».

The mayor of Porto Torres, Massimo Mulas, thus responds to the report made in the municipal council by the Psd'Az group leader, Bastianino Spanu on the road closed for almost four years now, where in 2020 the splendid polychrome mosaic of a Domus from the Roman era was found, a discovery made during preventive archeology work preparatory to the laying of the gas network cables. After a long time between traffic inconveniences and the anger of shopkeepers, the road remained off limits.

The latest announcement on the reopening dates back to the first days of December, when the Municipality received the news about the important regional funding of 500 thousand euros included in the 2023 Region budget change.

«The project of via Ponte Romano was drawn up on the basis of resources available to the municipal administration, but with half a million euros from the Region - adds the mayor - the project must be remodeled in order to guarantee an intervention for the protection and valorisation of the mosaic, then approved and prepared a tender for the assignment of works".

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