A van reduced to ashes, engulfed in flames that erupted during the night. It is yet another incendiary act in Porto Torres. This time to the detriment of a well-known company that with years of sacrifice had built a business and given a future to the children of a well-known entrepreneur, who passed away a few years ago.

The firefighters of the local department intervened around 2am in via degli Ulivi, in the Serra Li Pozzi neighbourhood, to put out the flames, following a report from a neighbour. Unfortunately, when the teams arrived, the tongues of fire had devoured the entire vehicle with the equipment inside. Anger and indignation for that gesture.

Il furgone incendiato (foto concessa)
Il furgone incendiato (foto concessa)
Il furgone incendiato

«To you who set fire to our company's van in the dark», are the words of Donatella Piga, one of the owners of Tecnolab Ginatempo, the antenna installation company targeted by the arsonists, «I want to tell the story of the sacrifices you made in smoke. For 8 years now, since my husband Claudio Ginatempo passed away, my children have worked hard with sacrifice, carrying on their father's work history. You destroyed not only that vehicle but our hope and our trust in the future."

The Carabinieri of the Porto Torres company are also on site and investigating the incident.

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