Liliana Caterina Mancusa, the 66-year-old wife of Basilio Saladdino, the retired policeman killed in Porto Torres with an ax by his son-in-law, Fulvio Baule, did not make it. She died in the intensive care unit of the Santissima Annunziata in Sassari due to a series of complications that arose following the attack she suffered on the evening of February 26 in front of her home in via Principessa Giovanna.

The 40-year-old bricklayer from Ploaghe, after having massacred his father-in-law, had ferociously lashed out at his mother-in-law and his ex-wife Ilaria Saladdino (39 years old). In recent days, after the transfer of both women from the intensive care unit of the Clemente palace to the same section of the civil hospital, the health situation of the 66-year-old, hospitalized in already very critical conditions and kept in a pharmacological coma with her daughter, it was further aggravated, down to the last medical bulletin which left no hope of survival. Over a month of agony due to the serious injuries inflicted by the ex-son-in-law, self-confessed offender imprisoned in the Bancali prison on charges of aggravated murder and double attempted murder. He had hit her several times with a hatchet, first on the shoulder and then on the head until she was left lifeless in front of the door of the building where she lived. A little further on, his daughter Ilaria, hit and seriously injured, was staggering to save her two twins in front of whom the heinous murder was consummated.

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