Arsonist acts, vandalism, violence against animals, episodes that leave the city of Porto Torres in suspense. The latest fire on the van and work equipment of the Ginatempo home automation company has brought three families to their knees. It hurts because it undermines the image of a city considered peaceful. Because we find ourselves faced with a reality that cannot be silenced and cannot be ignored.

At the last roundtable on security convened in the Prefecture, the police raised their guard. But the reorganization of night garrisons is at least necessary. As well as a greater number of men capable of guaranteeing effective monitoring of the city at night.

"The city is not safe, security policy underestimates the phenomenon of petty crime", reiterates the Psd'Az group leader, Bastianino Spanu. «Almost on a weekly basis, we witness real acts of crime against businesses and citizens», he adds. Thursday night saw yet another arson attack - after those which occurred no less than a week ago - perpetrated against a craftsman, whose work van was set on fire, causing damage to the garage and another car corporate. "Not to mention the acts of vandalism that take place in broad daylight, along our streets and in city parks."

The chilling video that shows how a young man tears off the head of a live bird, in a park that has become a drug dealing centre, is clear proof that you can commit a crime without being caught. The cameras are not always efficient, the images are scarce and do not allow the culprits to be identified.

«The administration, together with its majority, must stop relying on national and European statistics on crime», continues Bastianino Spanu «it must stop minimizing the crimes that are putting our city on fire. It is not possible for these serious episodes to destroy the serenity of our citizens, who go to sleep with the fear of being woken up by the firefighters because their car was set on fire by the criminal on duty." For the Psd'Az group leader, the police forces, with their staff reduced to the bare minimum, are doing their utmost, «but it is clear that it is necessary to increase the number of agents and means to offer a greater fight against the scourge of crime . The mayor demands security for its citizens from the prefect of Sassari. We don't need technical tables, we need men and equipment."

Following the arson incident, the mayor Massimo Mulas expressed his solidarity with the Domotica company of Ginatempo, as well as many citizens who are helping to raise funds for the affected entrepreneurs. «One thing is certain, - said Mulas - the incivility of a few will not be able to get the better of a solid community like ours. Let's rally around those who suffer it and we will certainly prevail."

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