Porto Torres wakes up with a broken heart and mourns the sudden death, at the age of only 32, of one of his most beloved sons: Marco Satta Giannichedda . But he also mourns the pain of Maria Assunta, a former manager who was recently widowed and lived only for that only son. Who was a boxing champion and ran one of the busiest clubs in Porto Torres: Tyson's Locomotive. A meeting place for hundreds of young people.

The sudden death in the late afternoon yesterday, most likely due to an illness, presumably a heart attack, has thrown a community into despair. In recent years it has been affected by serious mourning, such as that of the Saladdino family or the death of poor Mario Sedda. Just to name a few examples.

Marco was well liked by everyone. A strong, spontaneous and generous boy. A dragger. With an incredible will to live. He spent the last night in his club with some of his most loyal customers, such as Aurelio and Gavino, with whom he entertained himself in the usual fist-gauge challenges, for which Tyson's locomotive was known. Then Marco told his friends «I'll go back to training in September, I want to play at least one professional match. I want to take this satisfaction away from me». Unfortunately it turned out differently. Fate did not allow it.

Un amico deposita dei fiori all'entrata della Locomotiva di Tyson (foto Tellini)
Un amico deposita dei fiori all'entrata della Locomotiva di Tyson (foto Tellini)
Un amico deposita dei fiori all'entrata della Locomotiva di Tyson (foto Tellini)

Gone to sleep late, in his grandmother's house in via Rinascita, Marco Satta Giannichedda never woke up. The magistrate ordered an autopsy on the body, which is located at the Sassari Institute of Legal Medicine. Only after the examination will the causes of his death be known with certainty. Meanwhile messages arrive from all over Italy. The Boxing Federation has issued a statement of great condolences. The boxer and former Italian champion Tore Erittu, from Sassari, wrote "Fly high in the skies Marco". «An enormous pain», exclaimed the other great former boxer from Porto Torres Domenico Mura. «I still don't believe it», the phrase of the boxer of the national team Federico Serra. But there are thousands of messages for Marco. Of the many friends and friends who appreciated him. Someone even deposits flowers in his honor in the bar closed for mourning. That young man, in his short life, really managed to make everyone love him. And everyone will miss him dearly.

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