The place is particularly evocative, the exhibition includes 140 works by over 40 artists, not only from Porto Torres but partly from the rest of the island. The result is a sequence of emotions, exhilarating impressions of a work created with care. And “Real Emotions” is the title of the exhibition created by a group of young people, welcomed in Atrio Metropoli, the space granted by Monsignor Salvatore Masia in front of the splendid basilica of San Gavino, where during the three days of the Festha Manna they will remain exhibited in an original way their works, from drawing to painting, from photography to collage through clothing and sculpture. All united by the common thread of suggestions that each is capable of transmitting to the visitor, due to the colors and shapes reproduced.

Behind it is the passion, the almost maniacal precision of very young painters, aged 14 to 25, who are experiencing unexpected success. «We didn't think we would receive such a positive response or even such strong feedback from so many artists who contacted us to be able to exhibit their works», explain Simone Striano and Riccardo Impagliazzo, two of the organizers of the initiative. «It all came about spontaneously - adds Impagliazzo - we wanted to do a non-physical but virtual exhibition taking up the environments of Porto Torres. So we turned to Don Masia and he responded with a phrase "What a beautiful idea!", and he did not hesitate to make space available to us to work on this project. This is our dream, an idea we had in mind and we immediately put it into practice by thinking of exhibiting on the occasion of the Festa Grande».

An exhibition with a wide-ranging theme that will remain open to the public, from 9am to 9pm, until tomorrow, Pentecost Monday, to color the Festha Manna.

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