Maybe it will be the excellent cordial atmosphere that you breathe, it will be for the many archaeological and landscape beauties, but Nughedu San Nicolò , for some time now, has been proposing a process, as the mayor Michele Carboni defines it, «pleasantly strange»: a reverse emigration with many families who choose to move to the Monte Acuto community .

Good news, in a period in which there is much talk of the depopulation of small towns, with many going to seek their fortune either in the big cities of Sardinia, or on the peninsula, if not in some cases abroad.

The municipality is intervening, in an important way, on the public works front, with a series of interventions in rural roads , the expansion of the cemetery and the restoration of the country church of Santa Bellina and San Paolo.

The mayor himself recounted the latest case of transfer to the town: «Yesterday morning, in the Town Hall, I had the great pleasure of meeting and welcoming Luis and his wonderful family. Luis, Argentine by birth, son of Nughedesi emigrants, decided with great courage to leave everything and move to the land that belonged to his ancestors. He spoke of honor, of Nughedese blood, of sacrifice and of the desire to get involved. Uncommon intentions these days. I gave them our warmest welcome on behalf of the whole community, certain of the splendid welcome and warmth that we will be able to transmit to the new arrivals».

Meanwhile Nughedu San Nicolò, in a real atmosphere of intent, is preparing for tomorrow, when "Gioja 'e Lardajolu" will be celebrated, an event dedicated to the Carnival organized by the Pro loco, the municipality, the Sant'Antonio Abate committee, with the contribution of the Sardinia Region.
At 11 the DJ is scheduled in the square , while at 13, in piazza Marconi, the favellardo will be served.

At 3 pm there will be a parade of traditional masks with "S'Ainu Orriadore" by Scano Montiferro, "Sos Tintinnatos" by Siniscola and "S'accabora Pianalzesa" by Planargia.

The event will end with a pancake in the square and a Dj Set .

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