Moments of fear for a stray dog who was poisoned in Sanluri State . The lethal ingredient, metaldehyde , was found inside the meatballs left in Piazza Demontis, a place where the dog usually stops.

Fortunately, a local resident promptly intervened to rescue her, realizing that something was wrong: "I was there and she started behaving abnormally, I saw her tremble strangely and then I decided to load her into the car and take her to the veterinarian who, despite being late in the evening, was still in the office ".

There the discovery: the symptoms, including vomiting and hyperthermia, correspond to those of poisoning by the well-known snail killer. After the event, the resident notified the traffic police and the Sanluri local health authority, where she brought the meatballs found to start the analysis protocol .

Saved by a whisker, the dog has returned to Sanluri State, where she receives the care of some locals who hope she will soon find someone to adopt her and take her to a safe home.


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