«Confirm the 25-year prison sentence imposed on Giovanni Sanna in the first instance».

This is the request of the attorney general Maria Gabriella Pintus, before the Court of Appeal of Sassari, presided over by judge Salvatore Marinaro, against the 52-year-old from Macomer, the only defendant in the trial-ter for the kidnapping of the breeder from Bonorva, Titti Pinna , which remained in the hands of the kidnappers from November 19, 2006 to May 28, 2007.

Several witnesses were heard in the appeal proceedings, in particular some carabinieri who dealt with telephone and environmental interceptions during the investigations.

According to the first instance sentence issued on 20 December 2021 by the Court of Assizes of Sassari, Sanna played an active role within the gang that kidnapped Titti Pinna.

Salvatore Azzas (30 years in prison), Giovanni Maria Manca (28 years) and Antonio Faedda (25 years) have already been definitively sentenced for the kidnapping. On April 17 there will be a new hearing in the Court of Appeal, for the discussion of the lawyer Desolina Farris, legal defense of Sanna. Then in a subsequent hearing, on June 19, any rejoinder will be presented and the Court will issue the sentence.


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