All acquitted for the brutal robbery against the pensioner of Loiri, Giovanni Battista Marongiu , attacked in his country house, tied up, beaten and robbed on 17 January 2018.

The Sassari Court of Appeal exonerated Tonino Brai, 46, from Bono but residing in Olbia, acquitted with the broadest formula. The man was found guilty of the robbery and sentenced to eight years in prison.

Giovanni Randine, Serafino Burreddu and Efisio Manca were also acquitted , who had been accused of aiding and abetting because, according to the Tempio Prosecutor's Office, they allegedly made false statements to help Brai.

The victim had been bound, gagged and beaten. According to second instance judges, Brai has nothing to do with the assault.

The thesis of the defender, the lawyer Gianmarco Mura, who managed to overturn the conclusions of the first instance investigation, was accepted .

In particular, Brai's alibi, thanks to a new expert opinion on the electronic traces of his cell phone, has found confirmation . The evidence connected to the presence of Brai's fingerprints on an object found by the judicial police was also disassembled.

Lawyer Gianmarco Mura expressed his utmost satisfaction with the decision of the Court of Appeal.

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