The large antenna on the hill of San Gavino, in Pattada, can be installed.

The works will not stop. This was established by the judges of the Regional Administrative Court who rejected the precautionary request for suspension of the authorization issued by the Municipality, requested by a private citizen.

"The radio base stations have the nature of urbanization works and, as such, are compatible with any urban destination", reads the motivations of the judges who ended up agreeing with the mayor.

Furthermore, the Superintendency appears to have been duly summoned to the decision-making services conference at which it gave its assent per silentium.

The question of the mobile phone antenna, about 33 meters high, on a reinforced concrete base, was the focus of a recent public meeting with the archaeologist Maria Antonietta Mongiu, former regional councilor for culture, the administrative magistrate Paolo Numerico and Pinuccio Ferma, spokesman for the citizens' committee opposed to the installation of the base station in a site of great historical, cultural and landscape value, where a Benedictine church and convent still exist, even if no longer active.

More than a thousand signatures were collected and delivered to the prefect of Sassari.

The mayor of Pattada, Angelo Sini, had had the opportunity to explain that before authorizing the installation of the antenna he had consulted with a lawyer: "I don't like it either - he admitted - but they are primary urbanization works".

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