Over 500 people yesterday in Piazza d'Italia in Sassari to ask for a ceasefire in Ukraine and the start of serious peace negotiations exactly one year after the Russian invasion .

Under the umbrella of Europe for peace, 14 acronyms have joined the initiative simultaneously with other European nations and about one hundred Italian cities. A mobilization revived a few months after the previous one but with a more conspicuous turnout.

"There are many more of us - says Franco Uda, president of Arci Sassari - but it is the Italian people, statistically over 60%, who are against the war". There is a cross-sectional audience in the square asking for a stop to the conflict.

"It must be the UN - declares Massimiliano Muretti, general secretary of the CGIL Sassari - to take the initiative and take action for peace". The fear among the demonstrators is that the war will spread far beyond the Russian-Ukrainian borders.

"People have realized that this is not something passing - reports Claudia Fenu of 6000 Sardines - they are all more worried because this war seems to be on our doorstep". Among the participating acronyms also Emergency: «We have been in Ukraine - informs Rita Diez, contact person of the Sassari section - and we have seen that it is very difficult to intervene. We are evaluating our initiative and we will certainly not leave these people aside".

The other organizing associations are Anpi, Acli, Borderline, Caritas, Stop the War Committee, Herth Gardeners, Mos, Noi Donne 2005, Ponti non Muri, UdU.

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