A success beyond all expectations for "Outdoor Dance Floor" by the "Chiasma" company of Rome, staged in the scenario of the Ittireddu volcano and included in the dance festival organized by Danzeventi. the performers Salvo Lombardo and Daria Greco ignited spirits to finally involve the spectators, making them protagonists of the evening, and converting the Vulcano into a "dance floor", that is, into a real dance floor.
«This place takes us back to a suspension of time steeped in history, which has its roots in this naturalistic landscape so strong, so powerful – said Salvo Lombardo, who is also the creator and choreographer of the performance -. And if we normally aim at the creation of a widespread sociability, here the same characteristics are amplified more. We like to think that today we evoke the intrinsic magmaticity by bringing the underground, almost ancestral rhythm of the earth towards an explicit rhythm, towards a pulsation which is that of the musical live set».
The Volcano of Ittireddu is certainly a place of strong inspiration, in which top-level artists such as the composer and musician Ezio Bosso, the playwright Alessandro Anderloni, the singer-songwriter Mario Incudine and many others have already performed. The designer Antonio Marras has even made a short film there.
«This context, which has given work to dozens of families, has been a resource from an economic point of view and now, although the quarry continues to extract the lapillus, it can instead become a great opportunity for relaunching, because not all the towns of Sardinia, indeed not even one, can somehow boast the presence of a sectioned volcanic cone like this, which effectively lends itself to the creation and realization of events», specified the mayor of Ittireddu, Franco Campus.

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