Thieves back in action in the changing rooms of the intensive care unit of San Martino di Oristano . This time however they walked away empty handed even though they damaged the staff lockers.

Today, at the end of the night shift , the operators realized that something was wrong : the locker doors had been forced open and the whole room was ransacked. However, the coup yielded nothing because the doctors, after having suffered several thefts in recent months, have no longer left bags with money or valuables in the closets.

The damage and concern remain for a situation that has been dragging on for some months now . Staff and trade unions are calling for more controls inside and outside the hospital, perhaps with the installation of video cameras. In the meantime, the Oristano police station's mobile team is proceeding with investigations to try to identify those responsible for these blitzes that are causing concern among the staff .

From the end of November to today there have been several thefts . On one occasion a doctor's wallet with a thousand euros and all the documents had been stolen, on another the heist had yielded around 500 euros, then 400 euros had been taken away, finally a nurse's purse, in addition to damage to the furnishings as also happened in the last attempt which took place on the night between Tuesday and Wednesday.

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