The requests for help from the diocesan Caritas of Oristano are increasing . Every day in front of the headquarters in via Cagliari the line of needy people is getting longer and longer.

"From the beginning of the year to today we have welcomed 520 families", confirms the president Giovanna Lai. Worrying figures that tell of economic and social hardships: money is no longer enough to pay not only the shopping at the supermarket but not even to pay the bills .

In line there are old but above all new poor, put in serious difficulty by the crisis of recent times . Knocking at Caritas are mainly women, between the ages of 50 and 65, often wives and mothers who go to ask for a helping hand. Twice a month they refuel with basic necessities but President Lai also remembers the contributions to pay bills and rents. As well as to buy drugs.

Up to now 86 people have presented themselves for the first time to the Arborense diocesan Caritas : new accesses compared to the previous year that speak volumes about the crisis and the difficulties that families are encountering. In September 2019 the users had been 706, in the same period of 2020 (after the lockdown months in which the volunteers made themselves available every day guaranteeing an important garrison) 747 people asked for help, then the peak in September 2021 with 1112 interventions and in the month of September just ended, 765 families were helped.

Elisabetta Sanna

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