Antonella Orrù is one of the five women awarded in Bitonto during the Galà dell'Olio , a national festival conceived and promoted by chef Emanuele Natalizio which celebrates extra virgin olive oil and the best Italian producers.

The highest recognition, awarded by the Foglia d'Olio Association, in collaboration with the National Association of Città dell'Olio and the major national associations of experts in the extra virgin production sector, confirms the golden period for the company Treslizos farm in Massama which has been handing down knowledge and flavors for over 160 years and five generations .

A modern oil mill and the organic cultivation method convinced the demanding jury which allowed the entrepreneur from Oristano, the only Sardinian in the "top five" of oil ladies, to secure another prestigious result thanks to two leading products : Treslizos , a fruity oil with a balanced taste, and Donna Marisa (PDO created with three Sardinian varieties Tonda di Cagliari, Semidana and Nera di Villacidro), so named in homage to the mother of the Orrù sisters.

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