After the riots that occurred during the Sartiglia, there are those who do not hide and let it be known that before the Carnival they had asked for the collaboration of the police to avoid damage and critical issues, especially to the Saia buildings , both those overlooking Via Cagliari and those with entrances in via Carducci.

This is in light of the events that also occurred last year during the three days of Sartiglia , when a flood of young people invaded the courthouse square close to the buildings. It was the condominium administrator of buildings A and B, Antonio Cossu, exactly on 31 January last, who sent via certified email a request for collaboration to prevent the Saia tunnels from being attacked for the umpteenth time by the young people gathered in the square in front of the court.

On January 30, Cossu sent the note to the Municipality, the Oristano Foundation, the prefecture, the local police and the carabinieri of the local station. With the letter he expressly requested the establishment of a public force garrison or a surveillance service in the perimeter of the area. This however did not happen. In fact, during the evening of last Monday some young people destroyed two windows belonging to a condominium in the tunnel on the Via Cagliari side, creating enormous inconvenience as well as significant economic damage.

This is why Cossu, who on the same day, at 10pm, reached the area to verify what happened together with the police forces present on site after having been alerted, on 13 February, i.e. Tuesday, again through a certified email, informed all the authorities previously contacted about what happened, also attaching some photographs.

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