On Saturday it was supposed to host the men's volleyball regional Serie C championship match . Since yesterday evening, however, Palatharros has been closed due to safety problems .

The decision was taken following an inspection by the municipal technicians of Oristano , alerted by the Ariete sports club, concerned about the dangerous conditions of the light point .

«The important structural criticalities in the glass located at the main entrance of the gym » suggested the immediate ban on access and use of the facility. The wooden structure, seriously damaged, also due to the strong gusts of wind in recent days , risks not supporting the weight of the windows.

An icy shower for athletes and trainers who will see the numerous events on the calendar disappear: from the territorial finals of the under 14 female category, scheduled for Sunday, to the regional finals of the under 16 and under 14 female categories scheduled for the next 1, 5 and 12 May .

"The impossibility of being able to play such matches would create logistical and economic problems, considering that the dates have now been disclosed and it is difficult to find gyms with the same requirements", explain the company which guarantees training for thirteen groups.

For the Municipality it is a race against time: yesterday the company that will begin work on Monday was identified . «The intervention, with the holidays involved, will take a week» says Sports councilor Antonio Franceschi. We are looking for alternatives: Marrubiu and Terralba are the most reliable

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