In the throes of alcohol, he beat his wife in front of her minor children, even going so far as to threaten her with a knife . Harassments that the tormentor also reserved for children. A nightmare that has been going on for some time. But after the umpteenth episode of violence, a neighbor - worried about the screams coming from the apartment - gave the alarm to 113 and the tormentor was arrested.

It is a 47-year-old resident in the province of Oristano , who is now locked up in the Massama prison.

After the neighbor's report, the officers intervened to identify and report the man, despite the fact that the partner - who showed visible signs of ill-treatment - denied being a victim of his abuse, perhaps out of fear.

However, the fearful and submissive attitude of the victim did not stop the investigations. Not only that: the 47-year-old was also responsible for further attacks against an agent and an acquaintance. For this, in the end, the handcuffs and transfer to the cell were triggered.


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