An important recognition, coming from the Capital, for that event which in Ollolai proudly calls "the event of the summer in Barbagia". On March 12th, at 2pm, in Rome the country's Pro Loco will receive the "Quality Mark, Pali-Processions and Historical Re-enactments" wanted by the Italian Pro Loco Body. All possible thanks to the Palio degli Asinelli , an event that for years has allowed Ollolai to make itself known far beyond the island's borders.

The national awards ceremony will take place in the Sala Caduti di Nassiriya of Palazzo Madama. The initiative, promoted by senators Cinzia Pellegrino and Maria Nocco, will see the mayor of Ollolai Francesco Columbu, the president of the Ollolaese Pro Loco Alessandro Daga and the president of the Palio degli Asinelli association Pier Paolo Soro present in Rome.

«All this would not have been possible without the support of the board of directors, the members and the numerous volunteers of the Pro Loco who have been collaborating continuously for this event since 2001 - explains Pier Paolo Soro - The support and availability of the Municipality of Ollolai, of the Region's Tourism Department, of Bim Taloro, of the Union of Municipalities of Barbagia and of the web-TV Sardegna Live, which have made the creation of the Palio possible in recent years".

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