“Now I would like to understand what happened, I didn't see my daughter being born because I was under house arrest and I was accused of a very serious crime . For which I was also convicted. Then I hear the Attorney General asking for my acquittal because in fact there is nothing".

The businessman from Olbia Manuel Spano thus commented, through his defender, the criminal lawyer Antonello Desini, his acquittal, decided by the Court of Appeal of Rome.

Spano was cleared of the charge of having bribed the judge of the Tempio Tribunal, Vincenzo Cristiano , who was also (defended by the lawyer Giovanni Azzena) acquitted with the broadest formula.

Now, however, the defenses are willing to go ahead to have clear and definitive answers on the case. Judge Vincenzo Cristiano and Manuel Spano were arrested in 2016, the first degree conviction arrives in 2018. But on 20 October the deputy attorney general of Rome, Marcello Monteleone, asked for the acquittal of both, defining the first instance sentence as obscure .

And now the protagonists of this story, which hit the Temple Court like a cyclone, are asking for clarity on what happened.

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