«We expect the rapid and rapid appointment of a city commissioner who will lead to the approval of the budget and who will be able to incorporate the new funds allocated by the Region for the Europade , thus avoiding this fundamental event being skipped. It would be unacceptable for Nuoro to miss this great opportunity for the city's commercial activities and for the promotion of the territory."

This is said by Roberto Cadeddu, president of Aspen (special agency of the Chamber of Commerce) and of Confesercenti Nuoro-Ogliastra, who in recent months had already urged the Municipality on the delays in the organization of the 59th edition of the Europade of folklore, scheduled in Nuoro from 24 to 28 July 2024 which will attract over two thousand participants to the city from all the nations of the old continent.

«Ours was a strong concern regarding the planning of the event , it was not a personal attack on the then mayor Soddu or on politics, because trade associations do not deal with the majorities of the city councils – explains Cadeddu -. In a phase of serious economic stagnation, an event like the Europaade would play a role of vital importance for the city, even more so considering the high tourist flow that characterized Sardinia in that period".

On Friday the Nuoro city council rejected the budget presented by the Soddu council, which decreed the end of the administration led by the Nuoro lawyer. «We learned with great satisfaction that the new regional council has re-allocated the funds for the Europaeade – specifies Cadeddu – but now, given the institutional vacancy affecting the Municipality of Nuoro, organizer of the event, we expect the immediate appointment of a Commissioner who carries out this will of the city and the territory. There's no more time to waste. We are fully available, both as trade associations and as Aspen, to collaborate for the success of this fundamental event", concludes Roberto Cadeddu.

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