"We did not die of Covid, now we are dying from the electricity bills". This is the bitter outburst of Antonello Manca, owner, together with the brothers Giovanni and Callisto, of a well-known farmhouse in the countryside of Nulvi.

The Manca brothers last year became the protagonists of a sensational and famous protest against the anti Covid restrictions issued by the government, which in a period had prevented the administration of meals inside the premises used as a farm. For this they were sanctioned by heavy fines. However, the bloodletting continues now, in a form common to thousands of Italian companies and millions of families.

"For the month of December, the last notice that was delivered to us, over 6,800 euros to pay for the light - Antonello specifies -. More than double the bill we paid in December 2021. It is impossible to go on in this way, with these exorbitant figures. We would like to leave the company entirely to our children, but what will they inherit? Bills almost impossible to pay? Better to close the doors. There are no alternatives ".

The Draghi government is issuing provisions on the matter. "When any refunds arrive, the light will already be cut off", bitterly comments Antonello Manca.

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