Healthcare in Barbagia Mandrolisai is in emergency and the citizens of 14 countries, tired of waiting for answers that do not arrive, are mobilizing .

This morning a sit-in in Nuoro in front of the regional headquarters of Areus , which deals with emergencies.

«With us, when a patient feels ill he looks for emergency medical help and can't find one - explains Franca Salvai of the SOS Sanità Barbagia Mandrolisai committee, promoter of the event - then he turns to the Sorgono emergency room which is often unable to activate due to red codes . Then the 118 ambulance intervenes which in 80% of cases does not have a doctor on board , but very often there is not even a nurse and you are helped by a volunteer. In short, we are at the mercy of events and we must hope to save ourselves."

On the emergency front, the numbers are given by Bachis Cadau of the committee: « Out of 60 shifts, just 12 have a doctor on board, so 80% of services are carried out by nurses and volunteers - he underlines -. This is an emergency for us also because we are very far from the structures organized to treat patients. There is an instrument to help our local health system, and it is linked to the budget of the last council, with funding for disadvantaged areas."

« 80% of the Areus stations are covered by third sector bodies, i.e. by associations and cooperatives - adds Antonello Delogu of the Coordination of Sardinian health committees - which means that only 20% are advanced stations with ambulances and air ambulances of 118. To cover the costs of 80% of third sector bodies with volunteers who often have three days of training course, we spend 23.5 million euros, while to cover 20% of the Areus advanced bases we spend 45 million . There is a problem of inadequacy but also of exploitation for the associations that pay their operators around 2.5 euros an hour."

In the late morning a delegation was received by the director of Areus Simonetta Bettelini. " There is no intention to 'snatch' the medical ambulance from Sorgono , Areus has always confirmed its desire to maintain the advanced station in Sorgono" said Bettelini, who reiterated the contents of the latest planning documents and the strengthening proposals of 118 «which sees Sorgono as a 24-hour medical aid station in the reorganization plan of the 118 pre-hospital healthcare network».


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