The administrative machine is started. And it doesn't even stop in front of the wall of controversy. Ares (Regional Health Agency) has appointed the person in charge of the procedure for carrying out the feasibility study of the new hospital in Cagliari and that of Sulcis Iglesiente: the hot potato is in the hands of Giampiero Testoni, who plays the role of director of the Energy management complex structure and management of centralized logistics services.

The task was entrusted with a resolution by the general manager Annamaria Tomasella. Testoni will therefore have to identify the best area, in the capital, for the construction of the new "city hospital" which in the plans of the Region (or rather, of its president Christian Solinas) should replace the Oncological and Businco. A work contested by the opposition ( HERE THE NEWS ) but also by large slices of the majority who support the junta ( HERE the position of FdI and HERE that of other allies).

The same manager will have to carry out the feasibility study for the single unit that will take the place of Santa Barbara (Iglesias) and Sirai (Carbonia). Villa Devoto approved the plan on June 1st. The health companies (also Aou and Asl of Sassari) have 60 days to carry out.

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