October 29 is World Stroke Day. Today at the T-Hotel in Cagliari, close to the event, the conference "Stroke in Sardinia" took place, in which around 100 sector operators from all over the island participated. Also present was the scientific director of the meeting , Dr. Maurizio Melis , director of the Neurology and Rehabilitation department of ARNAS Brotzu .

«Every year we celebrate October 29th to draw attention to stroke , a time-dependent pathology that citizens must be able to recognize . In Sardinia, even if we have the gift of longevity, prevention is fundamental ", explains Melis. In fact, the more quickly one intervenes during ischemia (possibly within 4.5-6 hours from the onset of symptoms) the more brain cells can be saved, favoring a better recovery. The latest data published yesterday by Agenas speak of approximately 80,000 patients hospitalized in Italy with a diagnosis of Ischemic Stroke, just over 2000 in Sardinia . «But a good 40% of these were not admitted to Stroke Units, facilities with dedicated staff. And the percentage does not change in the rest of the country", underlines the scientific director, according to whom "it is now essential for citizens to recognize the symptoms of a stroke , different from the much better known ones of a heart attack".

Often the alarm bell goes off with a "sudden and brutal" malaise, which can include difficulty in moving one or more limbs, an asymmetry of the face, the presence of violent tingling affecting a part of the body, a disturbance of the visual field or a headache you've never had before. «In these cases – continues Melis – it is necessary to call for help immediately». But to support any treatment of the acute phase there must be careful prevention work which cannot fail to include diet and physical activity. «It is necessary to control diabetes and avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Then – specifies the doctor – there are particular situations such as juvenile stroke where factors of a genetic or traumatic nature intervene."

For sport, green light for outdoor activities and the gym, as long as they are always supervised by a professional «because even excesses are dangerous. In reality, even half an hour's walk can be enough. As for nutrition , in Sardinia – fortunately – our diet allows us to stay calm but be careful about the intake of cheese for cholesterol", concludes the neurologist.

The conference was organized within the initiatives of the Italian Stroke Association and Angels, an international group that aims to improve the survival chances of stroke patients and guarantee them a life without disabilities.

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