New searches and checks both in the countryside and in the towns of Ortueri, Austis, Sorgono and Teti coordinated by the Provincial Command of Nuoro, by the Carabinieri of the Company of Tonara, with the involvement of the Tascusi anti-crime squadron and the support of the dog lovers of the Squadron helipad of the Abbasanta hunters.

Five years after the murder of the jeweler of Sorgono Giuseppe Mario Manca , the investigators go ahead with the investigations to give a name to the murderer.

In the last few hours, checks have been made to ascertain the reliability of a series of recently acquired information.

No rumors have been leaked in this regard. Certainly we continue to investigate at 360 degrees to shed light on a story that continues to interest public opinion.

The jeweler was killed five years ago in his home in Sorgono during a robbery attempt.

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