The interrogation of Luigi Piras, the 76-year-old arrested by the men of the Cagliari Flying Squad on charges of killing Antonio Pisu , a 79-year-old construction contractor, will be held this morning in streaming from the prison of Uta, at the end of a quarrel broke out in the building in via Agricola 52 in Monserrato.

After being silent in front of the investigators and the prosecutor, he could explain what happened on Tuesday morning and what prompted him to grab the gun, firing four times at his rival.

Accompanied by the lawyer Marco Secci, the suspect - accused of voluntary homicide - will be heard by the judge after the arrest decided by the prosecutor Gaetano Porcu: at the end of the interrogation, the investigating judge of the Court will have five days to decide which precautionary measure to apply in the towards the pensioner.

THE CRIME - On Tuesday morning Piras fired four pistol shots at his landlord. The two had had yet another heated discussion over the deposit for the house, 30 thousand euros that Piras had paid years ago as an advance for the purchase of the attic. However, the building, built on the flat roof of the Pisu family building, was subsequently found to be abusive and the situation could not be remedied: the man therefore wanted his money back and without it he would not have left.

The impresario, on the other hand, believed that the alleged murderer was now illegally occupying the premises and that he owed 7,950 euros. Hence the quarrel which then degenerated.

Piras grabbed the gun he had hidden in the fridge and opened fire, taking the victim by surprise. Pisu's son, Marcello, who lived nearby, rushed into the house and threw himself on Piras to disarm him: during the struggle a fifth shot was echoed which luckily ended up against a wall without hitting anyone. A few moments later the agents of the Volanti arrived, together with the investigators of the Mobile, who stopped the 76-year-old, accompanying him first to the hospital and then to the Uta penitentiary.

For Antonio Pisu, by now, there was nothing more to do.

(Unioneonline / D)

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