The majority "slows down" on the bill that interrupts the installation of renewable plants for the next eighteen months. The reason is linked to the other track followed to counteract speculation on the wind and sun in Sardinia at the root, namely the government decree law on suitable areas which, according to the Councilors for Environment and Industry Rosanna Laconi and Emanuele Cani , could be ready already in mid-June . Once implemented, the Region has 180 days to define the areas suitable for the construction of wind or photovoltaic systems.

This is what emerges from the joint meeting of the fourth and fifth commissions of the Regional Council where the process of the Council bill which provides for the moratorium began.

«Today we explained the intentions of this bill - explained Laconi at the end of the session - and we exposed the discussions between the Council and the Minister of the Environment which accelerated the process of identifying suitable areas. The decree will probably be implemented by June 15th and will then allow us to legislate as a Region in the area planning. This is a firm point that grants the Region the prerogative to plan autonomously."

Laconi also announced a detailed report on the state of the art: the Via procedures in place within the environment, the internal procedures of the Industry and the authorized projects. According to the councilor, however, «this bill still makes sense, certainly the suitable areas decree will help us on the bill front. As if we had two tracks of intervention: one that of the bill, the other that of the suitable areas decree. In any case, the bill completes all regional planning in the sector."

According to Emanuele Cani, "there is a willingness in the commission to delve into the merits of the issues and to address such an important measure in the necessary time." Cani also speaks of two tracks: that of the Council's bill and in parallel on the institutional relationship activity with the government and then within the conference of the regions. «Through these two tracks we need to understand what the timeframe can be to give the Sardinians certain answers on the regulatory framework».

According to Paolo Truzzu (FdI) «the ideas have changed a bit, we have gone from a bill to save Sardinia to a "wait for Sardinia" because today in the commission they told us that there is no rush and that perhaps it should be reviewed . We are seeing a change of direction determined by the fact that the Government has recognized the pre-eminence of the Regions in land management activities. This government shows that it listens to the Regions, not like the Draghi government." Is the bill useless? «Cani spoke about the availability of the decree for suitable areas by mid-June».

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