A serious error by the doctors cost the regional health company more than a million and a half, which did not initiate compensation action against the material authors of the error , causing huge financial damage.

For this reason, the Guardia di Finanza of Cagliari reported to the Court of Auditors the extraordinary commissioner pro tempore of the ATS at the time, five doctors and a nurse.

The case of medical malpractice dates back to 2006 and occurred in Sirai di Carbonia, where a child was born with very serious brain injuries which resulted in 95% permanent biological damage .

The entire hospitalization process of the woman giving birth was therefore reconstructed down to the smallest detail, from taking charge to giving birth, and it emerged that the damage was caused by the obstetric team on duty, who underestimated the woman's clinical picture and did not managed the birth correctly .

The parents of the child, victim of the medical malpractice episode, therefore brought legal action against the Healthcare Company. The consultancy ordered by the Court of Cagliari recognized the serious responsibilities of the doctors who had carried out the laparotomy, and in 2019 the dispute was resolved with a settlement and compensation of 1.560 million euros towards the parents of the innocent victim of the case of medical malpractice.

But the then pro tempore extraordinary commissioner of Ares, once the payment of the compensation had been ordered, did not initiate the action for compensation against the doctors and therefore the procedures for the recovery of the tax damage . In essence, the citizens paid and not the doctors responsible for the serious error , as the Financial Police found.

For this reason, the Fiamme Gialle, in order to recover the sums, reported to the Court of Auditors of Cagliari both the then Commissioner and the five doctors and the nurse held responsible for the error.


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