Serious accident tonight at kilometer 76 of state road 131, in the direction of Sassari, in the Marrubiu area.

A motorist aboard his Audi, a 52-year-old financier who had been retired for a week, lost control of the vehicle by crashing into a tree on the side of the road at high speed.

The impact, the causes of which are still to be ascertained, was extremely violent.

Marrubiu. Incendente stradale. 4.09.2023 foto Alessandra Chergia
Marrubiu. Incendente stradale. 4.09.2023 foto Alessandra Chergia
Marrubiu. Incendente stradale. 4.09.2023 foto Alessandra Chergia

The Areus helicopter landed on the crash site, which transported the wounded man to the hospital in Sassari: his conditions are serious, the prognosis is reserved.

The intervention of the Oristano fire brigade was necessary to extract it from the metal sheets. The surveys were carried out by the carabinieri. According to preliminary information, no other vehicles are involved.


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