Lorena Piras , 31 years old from Macomer , is expecting her third child and, during the period of maternity leave, her employment contract was renewed for an indefinite period.

A story that should be ordinary, but still makes the news because today pregnancy often penalizes not only women looking for a job but also those who already have one.

The mother was hired with a fixed-term contract at Sardafuoco in January 2022, when a few months later she discovered she was pregnant with her third child . She notified the owner, also informing him that she would go on maternity leave in December. «He immediately had a reaction of joy for us – explains Lorena, who has been married to Alessandro for 11 years – and I understood that the fear of telling him was just my impression, unfortunately due to all those stories we still hear about, in which employers see pregnancy as an obstacle. My case was different: the expiring contract became permanent, I signed it just before Christmas, despite being on maternity leave».


All the details on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands in the article by Alessandra Nachira

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