Prosecutor Erica Angioni reiterated, yesterday in court in Sassari, the requests for conviction for the two doctors from Ozieri who she believes are responsible for the disappearance of little Gian Piero.

He died at 17 months old in Alà dei Sardi on 28 February 2018, in his parents' home to which he had just returned after a visit to the Ozieri hospital where he had been checked by an emergency room doctor and a pediatrician. The prosecutor asked for one year and 4 months for the first and two years of imprisonment for the second, both charged for medical negligence.

According to the prosecution, the two were guilty of a diagnostic error because they did not treat the child with oxygen therapy. The child suddenly worsened once he returned to the house, dying a few hours later despite the intervention of the doctors.

During the proceedings, four expert reports were carried out to establish the causes of death and possible responsibilities, the last of which was requested by judge Antonio Spanu and carried out by experts from the Gaslini hospital in Genoa. And, in the opinion of the defence, represented by the lawyers Marco Manelli, Nicola Satta and Paolo Spano, the latter would have demonstrated the innocence of its clients by revealing that the child's disappearance was caused by multiple organ failure and that the administration of oxygen would not have saved Gian Piero. The judge adjourned until July for replies and a possible sentence.

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