Two weeks ago, the protest of workers and trade unions, Filctem Cgil, Uiltec Uil and Femca Cisl, in front of the gates of the Liquigas company, in the industrial area of Porto Torres, a sit in against the rationalization plan that put jobs at risk of work.

Now the same company, which deals with the sale and distribution of LPG cylinders, has sent three dismissal letters to its employees starting from October 1st. The Liquigas dispute was raised in the city council.

“All this without taking into account trade union relations and social forces - says the city councilor, Antonello Cabitta -. Indeed, from information received, the CEO of Liquigas seems to have instructed its managers not to meet the social forces. Yet even these companies would be required to respect the normal trade union dialectic and when this fails as an administration we cannot avoid facing the problem ”.

A letter of dismissal which, according to the unions, "does not clarify why the workers were sent home". 24 employees work in Porto Torres, one of the locations subject to downsizing due to the sale of the company branch relating to the bottling of gas cylinders.

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