The Sardinia Region is banning maritime connections under territorial continuity between Sardinia and the smaller islands on the routes between La Maddalena and Palau and between Carloforte-Calasetta and the island of San Pietro (Carloforte) for the next 6 years.

To participate in the European tender, the transport companies will have until 2 November, at 13.00.

This is the third attempt by the Region to entrust the minimum services with public service obligations for the smaller islands. In fact, during 2022, two public procedures had been published, both of which were deserted .

Currently the daytime service on the La Maddalena-Palau and Carloforte-Portovesme and Carloforte-Calasetta lines is performed by Delcomar Srl, while the night service is performed by Ensamar Srl: the two contracts, pending the performance of the procedures envisaged by the new tender, are been extended until 31 December 2023.

For lot 1 (Palau-La Maddalena line) the starting bid amount is equal to 30,287,348.10 euros (excluding VAT) for the estimated maximum duration of 72 (seventy-two) months and for an annual amount equal to 5,047,891.35 euros (excluding VAT). For lot 2 (Carloforte-Calasetta and Carloforte-Portovesme lines) the total amount is 84,151,177.44 euros (excluding VAT), 14,025,196.24 euros (excluding VAT) per year.

The estimated value of the concession for lot 1 is 67,154,774.36 euros and for lot 2 124,602,719.98 euros.


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