A district that is the pivot of the new judicial geography of the island and that provides answers to the serious emergencies linked to the lack of staff. The proposal comes from the Sardinian magistrates who are speaking at the two-day event scheduled yesterday and today (from 9.30) in the Giorgio Pisano room of the L'Unione Sarda editorial group in Cagliari (live streaming on this site).

The comparison, opened by the publisher Sergio Zuncheddu, together with Maria Antonietta Mongiu, president of the Scientific Technical Committee for Insularity, was attended by the elite of the Sardinian judiciary who, with experts on the issues of law and justice, explained how important it is , at this time, have an insular judicial district, in close connection with the recent recognition of the principle of insularity in the Constitution.

In the video the interviews with the prosecutor of the Republic of Cagliari Rodolfo Sabelli, with the general prosecutor Luigi Patronaggio, with the president of the Surveillance Court Cristina Ornano.



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