Three young people from Jerzu ended up in hospital after an accident on the San Paolo bridge, downstream from the town. The Fiat Panda in which they were traveling crashed into a pylon. The impact, which took place at 5pm today, was extremely violent.

The most seriously injured, a 33-year-old, was transported aboard an ambulance, in red code, to the Nostra Signora della Mercede hospital in Lanusei. To rescue him, the Areus helicopter also left from northern Sardinia but, due to adverse weather conditions, had to return to base when he was on the Gennargentu.

The boy suffered chest and facial trauma as well as a suspected fracture of the femur. The other two people traveling on the Panda, headed for Jerzu, were transported in yellow code to the hospital. Firefighters from Lanusei and carabinieri from the Jerzu company worked at the scene of the accident.

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