The winter tour of "It's useless to say!" starts again , the show by the actor and director from Cagliari Jacopo Cullin . Flanked by the actor, friend and experienced shoulder Gabriele Cossu , Cullin will be staged tomorrow at 21 at the Teatro Comunale di Mogoro .

The other stages: Friday 6 and Saturday 7 in the setting of the Teatro Lirico in Cagliari and Saturday 14 at the Teatro Verdi in Sassari .

"Needless to say!" was born with the aim of exploring and deepening the relational dynamics that characterize our time with subtle irony and refined comedy. Through the poetic and witty visions of three of his historical figures ( Signor Tonino , Salvatore Pilloni and Angioletto Biddi 'e Proccu ), Cullin highlights the problems and fragility of current society , dominated by precariousness of relationships and the constant existential crisis that pervades the human being.


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