The lawyer Gianfranco Piscitelli, 67, an esteemed criminal lawyer and president of Penelope Sardegna, always at the forefront of the search for missing persons, cases of unsolved crimes and victims of violence, was subjected to severe intimidation.

He himself denounces everything on social media through some photos posted on Facebook, in which you can see the car being hammered, a conspicuous scratch on the door and the license plate of his studio detached from the wall. The episodes would date back to a few days ago. Piscitelli wrote a message that accompanies the images: "Hey you, yes, you are the one who marks my car, you hammer me at the glass of the other, you tear off the license plate of the studio, know that it won't stop me: I I will continue to fight against abuses, violence of all kinds, I will defend the victims and their families, I will speak, I will write and I will always seek Justice and Truth and I will have you condemned. If you want to stop me, do it permanently, I'm not afraid of cowards ".

Il luogo dove era posizionata la targa (foto da Facebook)
Il luogo dove era posizionata la targa (foto da Facebook)
Il luogo dove era posizionata la targa (foto da Facebook)

"In fact, they have been targeting me for just over two months: at first they tore off the license plate of the studio and the landlord found it on the ground, then one morning I found the windshield of the small car with an evident hammer blow , then the big black car at first scratched with a key on the surface and then, yesterday, the same car with a nice groove all over the side. I have not made any complaint because it is not necessary and I had not said anything to anyone so as not to worry others. Honestly, I'm not worried, ”says the lawyer, who adds:“ Are you suspicious? Well, in the last two years I have been interested in very bad cases and my investigations and my investigative stubbornness have attracted many enemies: people I have put on trial and then sentenced for mistreatment and violence, for sexual violence on minors. , for homicides and more, missing minors that I have stolen from drug, alcohol, prostitution, disappeared for which I am fighting and who probably hide crimes or cases of white shotgun, suicides and suicides are not ... My commitment with both Penelope and with Luna & Sole it led me to be too prominent but now I never go back, I certainly do not let myself be intimidated or conditioned: I continue and will continue undeterred to fight for Truth and Justice in favor of the victims and those in need. And to think that before moving here to Sardinia, I was defending organized crime offenses in Turin: it was like a 'conversion', it's like those who suddenly become vegetarians. I always joke but if I get angry ... ".

Angelo Barraco

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